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20 mayo 2024

Morefi Morefi website

Shield: CC BY 4.0

Morefi © 2024 by Hugo Aguirre Villaseñor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC BY 4.0


The Morefi package: Morphological Relationships Fitted by Robust Regression. It is a methodological package developed to carry out the analysis of the article: Aguirre-Villaseñor & Morales-Bojórquez (IN PREPARATION). For this purpose, some functions and a vignette were created to explain the process step by step. The tables and figures were personalized. The lmrob() and nlrob() from robustbase (version 0.99-2), are used to perform robust regression.

The package consists of nine functions that facilitate the implementation of the methodology used in this analysis:

fn_ARSS: Perform the Coincident Curves Test, to determine if there are significant differences between the fitted curves for each database. It is based on the Analysis of the Residual Sum of Squares (ARSS) (Chen et al. 1992).

fn_figs: Creates a customized scatter plot with the observed values (points), fitted regression (solid line), and its confidence interval (shaded area).

fn_freq: The function calculates a frequency distribution of data.

fn_freqw This is a methodological function to calculate the percentage frequencies of weights by model adjusted using the robust regression approach.

fn_fyield: Calculates the fillet yield by dividing a defined weight reference point bm by the mean, lower, and upper confidence interval of 95% (IC95%) of the estimated fillet weight, respectively.

fn_intervals: Calculates a non-parametric confidence and predicted intervals using the function predFit() from the package investr (version 1.4.2).

fn_R2RV: Calculates a robust version of the coefficient of determination RRV2 (Renaud & Victoria-Feser, 2010).

fn_summary: Customizes and stores the summary of each fitted regression.

fn_xseq: Generates a data frame with a sequence for independent variables (including minimum and maximum values) and selects it according to the model.