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Customizes the summary of fitted regression


Table T1 is a customized table to store the regression summarized by model and landed weight categories: Fresh, Frozen-thawed (Frozen) and Total. The 95% confidence interval parameter is in parentheses. The adjusted robust version of the coefficient of determination. (R2) and Degrees of Freedom (DF) are also reported.

List_Tables contains an empty T1 for each element (model)

The function requires defining:

  • List_Tables: A list to store summary regression results.
  • modelos: A character vector containing the variables of a function.
  • catego: A character vector containing the landed weight categories.
  • eq: Summary of the equation fitted.
  • R2: A numeric value of the adjusted robust version of the coefficient of determination.
  • i: An integer value indicating the ith regression analyzed.
  • j: An integer value indicating the jth categorie analyzed.

List_Tables with a customized table that stores the regression summary of each model.

seealso: lmrob() and nlrob() from robustbase (version 0.99-0)


The function is included in the Morefi package (Morphological fit).

The function is detailed below.

fn_summary <- function(List_Tables, modelos, catego, eq, R2, i, j){

  T1 <- List_Tables[[i]]
  lvar <- names(List_Tables[i])

  T1[1,1] <- ifelse (i<7,"Linear","Potential")
  T1[1,2] <- paste0(substr(lvar,1,2)," vs. ",
  T1[j,3] <- catego[j]
  T1[j,4] <- eq$coefficients[1]                          # b0
  T1[j,5] <- paste0("(",round(confint.default(eq)[1,1],2)," to ",
                    round(confint.default(eq)[1,2],2), ")") #b0 IC95%
  T1[j,6] <- eq$coefficients[2]
  T1[j,7] <- paste0("(",round(confint.default(eq)[2,1],2)," to ",
                    round(confint.default(eq)[2,2],2), ")")
  T1[j,8] <- as.numeric(R2)
  T1[j,9] <- summary(eq)$df[2]


} # End fn_summary


Do not execute, it’s just a syntax example.

T1 <- fn_summary(List_Tables, modelos, catego, eq, R2, i, j)